wiki:MathML Goals

Current Goals for Implementing MathML


Most of the initial goals set out below have been met.

Initial Goals

Support for the following elements will initially be provided by this patch:

  • Presentation Markup:
    • without any support for class or sytle manipulations necessarily working (i.e. no guarantees)
    • Token Elements:
    • General Layout Schemata:
    • Script and Limit Schemata:
      • msub w/o support for the 'subscriptshift' attribute
      • msup w/o support for the 'superscriptshift' attribute
      • msubsup w/o support for the 'subscriptshift' or 'superscriptshift' attributes
      • munder w/o support for the 'accentunder' attribute
      • mover w/o support for the 'accent' attribute
      • munderover w/o support for the 'accent' or 'accentunder' attributes
    • Tables and Matrices:
      • mtable w/o attributes
      • mtr w/o attributes except 'rowalign', and 'columnalign' attributes.
      • mtd w/o attributes except 'rowspan', 'columnspan', 'rowalign', and 'columnalign' attributes.

Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on Aug 12, 2010, 10:10:57 AM
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